With time we’ve seen the trend for sugar reduction continue to gain momentum, and consumers continue to demand healthier alternatives that taste good. This continuous spike in conscious consumption has ensured that sugar reformulation remains a primary agenda for several key players in the food and beverage industry.

Recently touted as the bad guy in the food and beverage industry- sugar has received some serious flak, but one characteristic of it that cannot be undermined is its appealing taste. So when completely obliterated from foods and beverages, it does pose a challenge to sell the end product. With health on the tip of the tongue of many consumers, we continue to witness an upswing in new natural ingredients and sugar reduction technology with the hope of sweetening the stakes.
Multiple surveys taken across the globe suggest that consumers are on the lookout for natural ingredients and have become highly attentive to the type of substitute that is being utilized in reformulated products hence they are likely to accept sugar reduction via natural sweeteners over artificial sweeteners.
Taste aside, sugar plays other important roles when added to food and beverages. In addition to providing the sugary sweet appeal, it also acts as a preservative, which aids in extending the shelf life of the product, it also plays a pivotal role in affecting the texture, color, structure, viscosity, and flavor of the product. Hence reformulating products even with the latest sugar reduction technology, without sacrificing the flavor texture, functionality and cost can become painstakingly challenging.
Another key issue when it comes to reformulation is the increased number of ingredients, most of which consumers aren’t familiar with and which cannot be found easily in their kitchen cabinets. Apart from that label which majorly contain the name of chemicals and other chemical compounds bring into question the safety of the end product.
Given the pressure of sugar reduction and the challenges that product reformulators have to face, the holy grail that has come to their aid in recent times has been stevia. Even though first-generation stevia has its fair share of shortcomings like the lingering licorice aftertaste. Recent developments in sugar reduction technology have brought to light, a new generation of stevia sweeteners like Reb M stevia, which has a potent sugar-like taste and zero calories.

Most product reformulators across the F&B spectrum agree that Reb M stevia extract works well across all major food and beverage categories, and it does so without compromising on taste and flavor. Certain surveys also recorded that with the introduction of there has been a sudden surge in healthier product launches. Also with the introduction of a sugar tax and with several countries adopting it at a rapid pace sugar reduction and reformulation will continue to remain pivotal in the days to come.
Most view sugar reformulation in food and beverage products as the universal panacea for the obesity and diabetic crisis. However, sugar reduction or replacement isn’t a piece of cake. However, trusted stevia brands like Arboreal Stevia have been working with brands and product reformulators across the entire F&B spectrum. Backed by immense research and tons of experience, Arboreal Stevia has enabled F&B brands to reformulate and launch winning low-calorie products in just 30 days. IF you’re looking to do the same, visit our website today.